An Atheist and a Christian Walk Into A Cafe


An Atheist and a Christian Walked Into a Cafe is like being a fly on the cafe wall when Craig Wieland and his mythical friend Tommy picked up a friendship that had fallen by the wayside a number of years ago.

It didn’t take long for their conversation to veer into; religious; matters and their widely different views came to the fore. At times testy but always straightforward their interaction is informed and informative,  humorous and heartfelt, searching and stimulating. It’s the sort of meaty discussion that many men never get round to having - and that’s a shame!

Stuart Briscoe “Telling the Truth Ministries.”

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An Atheist and a Christian Walked Into a Cafe is like being a fly on the cafe wall when Craig Wieland and his mythical friend Tommy picked up a friendship that had fallen by the wayside a number of years ago.

It didn’t take long for their conversation to veer into; religious; matters and their widely different views came to the fore. At times testy but always straightforward their interaction is informed and informative,  humorous and heartfelt, searching and stimulating. It’s the sort of meaty discussion that many men never get round to having - and that’s a shame!

Stuart Briscoe “Telling the Truth Ministries.”

An Atheist and a Christian Walked Into a Cafe is like being a fly on the cafe wall when Craig Wieland and his mythical friend Tommy picked up a friendship that had fallen by the wayside a number of years ago.

It didn’t take long for their conversation to veer into; religious; matters and their widely different views came to the fore. At times testy but always straightforward their interaction is informed and informative,  humorous and heartfelt, searching and stimulating. It’s the sort of meaty discussion that many men never get round to having - and that’s a shame!

Stuart Briscoe “Telling the Truth Ministries.”